What is Macro Malware Virus? – Complete Knowledge

Rollins Duke   
Published: May 10th, 2024 • 5 Min Read

This article will teach you everything you need to know about macro malware. And how to prevent the Macro Virus? Also, we will show you how to remove macro code. If your file got corrupted and damaged due to a malware attack, then continue reading this blog.

A macro is an automated input sequence that imitates keystrokes or mouse movements. In spreadsheets and word processing software like MS Excel and MS Word, a macro is often used to replace a series of keystrokes and mouse clicks that have to be done over and over again.

A malicious macro, often known as a macro virus, is a kind of computer virus that replaces a macro. When a virus takes the place of these actions and directions, it can cause a lot of damage to the computer.

It is an overview of the Macro malware virus. To better understand how it works, let’s discuss what a macro malware infection is.

What is the Macro Virus Definition?

Macro malware (also known as a macro virus or hybrid virus) spreads viruses, worms, and other kinds of malware by using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) programming in Microsoft Office macros. Macro viruses were quite widespread in the 1990s, but they fell out of favor as users learned how to cope with them. It is a computer virus written in the same macro language used to create software programs such as Microsoft Excel and Word. This virus may now be a real threat to the security of personal and business data, which is a big deal in the modern world.

This section gives you micro-virus information. Also, you need to understand how to identify threats and how to prevent yourself from the macro malicious viruses. So, we will give you more macro-malware infection information in the next section.

Example of Macro Malware Virus

There are several Macro viruses example, spreading in the real world. Macro viruses are the types of viruses that can infect your device when you least expect them. The most notorious include the Concept virus (Nuclear macrovirus) and the Melissa virus, which were primarily Microsoft Word viruses.

How does Macro Virus Work?

Macro viruses work by embedding malicious macro code into attached documents, spreadsheets, and other data files. They target the software rather than the system and can infect any OS. Macro viruses, programs like Microsoft Word and Excel now keep macros disabled by default. To unleash a macro virus, cybercriminals create malicious code, insert it into documents, and then trigger it to run as soon as you enable the macro. Also, we can say it’s a “macro virus hacking technique.” This code can be used in many ways, if you click on banner ads or malicious links in URLs, then a macro virus starts working on your computer.

How to Spread Macro Viruses?

Macroviruses spread easily and silently. You may be wondering how a macro virus can end up on your computer. Macro viruses are spread by opening a file. A macro virus is spread with embedded attachments in a document to share with others within the same computer. It may spread malicious macros from the following sources:

  1. When emails receive from unknown senders
  2. Phishing emails with infected attachments
  3. Files are downloaded from the internet, public Wi-Fi, or company internet.
  4. Documents are save on a flash drive, a pen drive, etc.

How do I Know If My Computer is infected with Micro Malware Attack?

Micro malware viruses are quite tricky and complicated to detect on your computer. You may only realize and observe your computer when the application is open, commands, and a sequence of actions begin automatically. Here are some macro virus symptoms to look out for:

  • Affect the computer’s performance. It is working slower than usual.
  • It automatically creates new files.
  • Some items are missing from your software application.
  • Computer asks for passwords to open files that are not protect with passwords.
  • Unwanted changes in your system.

These are a few symptoms of the malicious macro virus. So, it’s important that you learn how to prevent macro virus attacks.

How to Prevent a Macro virus Attack?

Prevention is always better than cure for macro viruses. The perfect way to delete the threat of macro virus is to decrease the amount of interchange between the malware and the device. Need to scan daily basis all PC, documents, and embedded email attachments on your computer. Make sure that no new macro viruses are download or, worse, executed throughout the network. For more approaches to prevent macro viruses, click here.

Best Solution to Remove Macro Malware Virus

Hackers use clever tricks, so it’s not easy to remove a macro virus manually. Therefore, the prevention of macroviruses is by far the most effective way to avoid an attack. Unfortunately, not all macro viruses can be detected by anti-virus software, so BitRecover VBA Macro Remover is a good product for malicious virus detection.

Download for Windows

This tool is able to erase VBA macro virus code from the downloaded project. It is also capable of removing macro code from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MicroStation, etc. If you want to remove all macro code from VBA projects in bulk, you can try this tool. VBA malware remover gives you a separate option to remove passwords from VBA projects. While removing the process will not modify any data and text in your VBA projects.

Final Words

Although many users are not familiar with the Macro malware virus, they may not know how to detect it. So, this blog will educate you about the malicious threat. Macro viruses are clever viruses. Still, the risk is real. For security purposes, users may check their system on a daily basis to prevent macro viruses from unknown senders.