What is Ransomware and How does it Work? Complete Guide

Rollins Duke   
Published: May 14th, 2024 • 5 Min Read

What is Ransomware and how does it work? If you are looking for the same query, then this is the right page for you. This page provides you a complete and detailed guide to learn everything about Ransomware, how it works and how you can prevent ransomware attacks. Through this guide, you will understand everything about Ransomware attacks in very simple words. 

What is Ransomware?

In very simple words, Ransomware is a kind of malware that can deny, or lock the access of any computer’s files. Ransomware attacks can encrypt the data, files, system or devices of any victim and make them inaccessible until the cybercriminal does not receive payment.

By doing this, cybercriminals and attackers stuck users or organizations in a situation where payment is the only way to get out of it. This way, Ransomware becomes a disaster for users and organizations who are the victims.

So this is the easiest way to define you what is Ransomware but now the question is how does it work? There are still so many more things that are necessary to know about Ransomware attacks? Yes! Keep reading the article as it will also guide you through the process of prevention if you have become the victim of Ransomware attack.

How does Ransomware work?

Ransomware begins by gaining data access, encrypting data and then demanding for Ransom. In the following we have described in detail that how everything starts to let you know what is ransomware and how does it work in detail:

Gaining Data Access

Ransomware first begins by accessing data. Cybercriminals have several ways of gaining access to your company’s sensitive information. One of the widely used ransomware attacks is Phishing. Through phishing, an attacker sends emails containing malicious links and attachments to trick users in installing the malware.

Another way of accessing data through Ransomware attack is, RDP and credentials abuse. Where cybercriminals enable the administrator to access the server and remotely access the desktop from anywhere.

Just like this, there are several methods that attackers and hackers try to gain access to user’s data.

Data and File Encryption

After getting access to the required data, cybercriminals use an encryption method to block the owner from retrieving their data. They will simply select the files, add a decryption key and then delete the original unencrypted file.

Ransom Demand

Then finally, attackers write a notice to the victim where they demand for payment, most often in the form of cryptocurrency. For this, they allot a limited time.

What are the types of Ransomware?

Ransomware attacks are categorized on the basis of delivery and its impact. The delivery method of Ransomware attack include Ransomware as a service which is called as RaaS, human operated delivery and automated delivery which is not as a service. Now after discussing, what is Ransomware and how does it work or impact, let’s know the different types of Ransomware attacks:

  • Crypto Ransomware: Encrypt user’s sensitive data on computer and then demand for payment in the form of cryptocurrency.
  • Locker Ransomware: Locks you from the device and prevents access to anything until you pay.
  • Scareware: Users may receive fake alerts or warning messages related to viruses and other errors then demand payment to fix the problems.
  • Doxware or Leakware: One of the most terrifying ways of Ransomware attack where the cybercriminal threatens to leak or publish the personal data if you don’t make the payment as per the allotted time period.

How to Prevent Ransomware Attacks?

What is Ransomware and how does it work? Ransomware is like an enemy of every person or an organization. It can destroy someone’s happy life, and smooth running business. We should be aware and trained to prevent such Ransomware attacks. You can implement the following methods to prevent Ransomware attacks:

  • Regular Backups: Users should frequently backup their important data and files to the external device or cloud storage while ensuring that backups are not connected to the main network and then wipe all data from computer. Using BitRecover Email Backup Software you can backup emails from more than 90 email service provider. This will helps you to keep backup of all your necessary information and access them even after a Ransomware attack.
  • Keep Software Updated: You should regularly update your system and all the software to prevent Ransomware.
  • Cyber Awareness Training and Education: In today’s generation, apart from being a digital platform’s user, we should be trained about what is ransomware and how does it work to avoid potential Ransomware attacks.
  • Use of Antivirus: You can use trusted and reliable antivirus software that can perform regular scan and keep your software up to date while ensuring security.
  • Be Cautious with Emails and Links: Do not open attachments or click on the link attached with emails from unknown sources.
  • Implement Security Practices: Use strong and unique passwords for all your accounts and also enable two factor authentication. You can also restrict the user permission and limit administrative access to prevent Ransomware attacks.


The comprehensive article provided complete information on what is Ransomware and how does it work, types of Ransomware, and how to prevent it. We hope now to understand everything about Ransomware and it affects users and organizations. All we want is you to be aware of such attacks and secure your data by implementing prevention methods.

Also Read: How to Protect Office 365 Emails from Ransomware Attacks?