What is HR Data Security & Why It is Essential?

Rollins Duke   
Published: May 10th, 2024 • 6 Min Read

The term “HR Data Security” refers to the measures taken to protect employee data from theft or unauthorized access. HR system security is a critical issue for all businesses, as it has access to all sensitive data, including employee personal information, payroll records, and performance evaluations.

There are several ways in which HR department security can be compromised, such as data breaches, hacking, document submission portal, and social engineering. As such, it is essential for all HR departments to be aware of the latest security practices and to implement them in their organization.

In this article, we will discuss the best ways to maintain HR data security that all HR departments should follow. These practices will help to keep your employee data safe and secure.

Here’s what we are going to cover in this article:

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Quick Overview of HR System Security & Threats

HR security is concerned with the protection and authorization of company data. The Human Resources department keeps all information confidential, as it contains various sensitive information.

Although recent research suggests that this concern is well-justified, for example, one report indicated that more than 500 million organizational records have been breached since 2005, and most of them are done by using online cyberattacks, code injection, etc.

data breach

So, it’s the prime responsibility of the HR department to check all documents, as the file may consist of unwanted scripts or VBA codes. These codes come into action once you open the file.

VBA functionality is disabled in office suite products, but for various reasons, recruiters enable it to get additional functionality. This script helps to automate the work procedure, but on the other hand, this script hampers HR data security.

So, let’s check out the procedure to remove all the macro codes from excel spreadsheets, word documents, etc. to safeguard your sensitive information.

Automated Solution to Maintain HR Data Security

Well, if you are aware of all the security threats that lead to data breaches, and want to secure your data from external attacks, then we have an automated program for you that is BitRecover VBA Macro Remover Wizard.

It is an advanced solution used by HR departments to eliminate all unwanted codes from resumes or any other documents. Additionally, the toolkit has the functionality to remove passwords from various office suite programs.

So, whenever you receive a document from any applicant, the first step is to scan the file with this software. If the file contains any suspicious code that will display in the dashboard panel. Although, this solution is recommended by IT professionals to enhance HR data security.

Users will get multiple options to disable the injected code such as removing the password, eliminating the code, etc. Also, the graphical interface of the toolkit is easy-to-use. To learn more about this automated solution, click on the download button below.

Download for Windows

Working Steps to HR Data Security

Once you install the software on Windows OS, then follow the steps mentioned below for good:

  1. Install & run the toolkit on Windows OS, and upload the data file or folder.
    upload files & folders
  2. Once you upload the files, the application will begin to analyze them and list them in the software dashboard.
    VBA folder directories
  3. Next, users can preview the file data whether it contains any script or not with a cross & check sign.
    preview detailed information
  4. Next, users can select the required files that contain injected code or malware.
    select required files
  5. Afterward, select the required option to remove the code, and password, or save the code in the TXT file.
    code remove options for HR data security
  6. Once you are done click on the “Save Document” option and browse the folder to store data.
    save output file

This is how HR data security can be taken to another level. By removing malware codes, organizations can easily protect their data from online fraud and data forking. Go and download the trial edition of this solution for free and remove spam codes for limited files with ease.

Question? We Have Answers!

Q) What practices are followed by HR departments to secure your data?

Well, you can protect your data from unauthorized access by using the following manual procedures:

  • Use Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Physical Security Practices
  • Encrypt your HardDrive
  • Strong Password Policy
  • Implement IP Whitelisting

Q) Why is HRIS security important?

The HRIS (Human Resources Information System) is a critical aspect of any organization since it keeps all employees’ confidential information.

If this data falls into the wrong hands, it could be used to commit identity theft, fraud, or other crimes. That’s why HR System Security is valued at the top to make the data safe from unauthorized access and misuse.

Q) What type of privacy challenges are faced by HR managers?

There are various external and internal privacy challenges facing human resource managers. For example: at the time of recruitment the HR department receives a thousand applications.

There might be a chance that you will receive the files with the miscellaneous code embedded in them, once you open the file, the code will activate in the background and do its job to harm your device.

Thus, to ensure a safe onboarding process, you can opt for an automated solution that removes all miscellaneous code from the files.

Q) How can I remove the embedded script from resumes received during hiring?

Well, if that’s the case, you can go with the BitRecover PDF Buddy wizard. It is an automated program that removes JavaScript from the PDF files in batches. Also, if you have any other concerns about VBA scripting fraud, feel free to contact us.

So There You Have It

HR data security can be a major risk for an enterprise. However, there are multiple ways to protect the organization’s data. This blog highlights how you can remove injected code from the documents received by the HR department over time. In case, if you open any file with malware attached to it, then no antivirus will protect your data, and all of your company’s sensitive information will be easily available just one search away.