How to Recover Data from Disabled Gmail Account?

Rollins Duke   
Published: October 25th, 2023 • 7 Min Read
Summary: In this article we will discuss how to recover data from disabled Gmail account through 2 useful methods. These methods will include Manual method using Google Admin console and Advanced Solution to retrieve data from deleted Gmail account. Apart from this, we will simplify most of the common scenarios that can be quite concerning for the Gmail account users, particularly in case of business accounts. Moreover, this article will also show you the possibilities to restore data in as per the services and licenses assigned by Google Workspace for it’s users and also recommended the use of BitRecover Email Backup Software for data backup to prevent future data loss..

Is your Gmail Account Disabled?

As you know Gmail is one of the most widely used email platforms for both personal and business purposes, but what would you do if your Gmail account gets disabled? Read this guide and learn how to recover data from disabled Gmail account.

What do you Understand by Disabled or Deleted Gmail Accounts?

A disabled Google account is an account that has been suspended or deleted for various reasons, such as:

  • Violation of Google’s policies.
  • Change in your organization’s structure.
  • If you deleted your Google Account recently.

Note: You can restore a disabled account, however there are a few limitations to retrieve data from deleted Gmail account such as you get limited time period of “up to 20 days”. Once you cross this time interval your data can be lost forever. Below you find more valuable information to restore Google Workspace account data.

Conditions to Recover Data from Disabled Gmail Account

There are a few prerequisites before you start to retrieve data from deleted Gmail account. Here are what you need to know:

  • Time Interval: As per the limitation of recovery, you must initiate the recovery within 20 days of the Gmail account’s deletion.
  • User License: You should have available user license for this service that you previously assigned to that specific user.
  • Domain Status: Your domain should still be available and should not have been moved to another Google Workspace account.

How to Recover Data from Disabled Gmail Account if Username is Still in Use?

Sometimes there is a chance that the username associated with your disabled Google mail account can still be in use, either by another account or a group. In such cases, there are some possibility of data recovery:

  • Firstly, you need to search for the username in your Admin console. Keep in mind that group aliases may not appear in the search results.
  • Then, if the username is being used by any alias address or group, you can change or delete the group’s username to retrieve data from deleted Gmail account.

Quick Steps to Retrieve Data from Deleted Gmail Account?

  1. Firstly, sign into your Google Admin console. Sign In Google Admin console
  2. Ensure you’re signed in with an account that has super administrator privileges.
  3. In the Admin console, navigate to Menu > Directory > Users.go to users tab
  4. Click More options > Recently deleted users. click "recently deleted users"
  5. Hover over the user you want to recover and click “Recover.” click Recover
  6. Review the confirmation notice, and click “Continue.” click continue
  7. Select an organizational unit to assign the user . Select organizational unit
  8. Finally, click “Recover.” click Recover

Note: Keep in mind that while the process usually takes up to 24 hours to complete, in rare cases, it might also take up to 5 days.

Recovery of Gmail Data and Services

Here, once the Gmail account is restored for a user then the user will regain access to all their previous services and data. This specific process to recover data from disabled Gmail account depends on the number of services and the type of license assignment to the user.

  • Single service: If you have only one Google service, then restoring the user automatically reactivates access to the single service.
  • Multiple services with automatic licenses: If you have access to multiple services with automatic license assignment then it will automatically restore all services.
  • Multiple services without automatic licenses: If you have multiple services without automatic licenses then manual reassignment is required to retrieve the service.
  • Archived User licenses: If the user has an Archived User (AU) license then manual reassignment is necessary to regain all previous data.

Professional Recommendation to Prevent Data Loss

The most common process to keep your data safe for a lifetime, is taking a backup. If you have a backup of your data you will never lose them even if it’s permanently deleted from the user account and restore whenever it’s required. The BitRecover Email Backup Software is one of the most recommended software solutions for email backup that can easily recover data from disabled Gmail account. It comes with a huge number of email source backup options such as, Google Workspace (G Suite), Gmail, Yahoo, etc. and multiple saving formats.

It also offers a free demo edition that helps users to try the backup process before purchasing the tool.

Note: Free edition of this software can take the backup of 25 emails from every folder to the available file format. Also check different license editions for your preferred saving formats.

This backup will help you retrieve data from deleted Gmail account whenever you need it.

Primary Features of this Software:

  • Backup Gmail emails within single or multiple Gmail account at a time.
  • Download a copy of all Gmail messages along with attachments.
  • Multiple filter options for selective backup.
  • Enables to backup of Gmail to IMAP accounts.
  • Preserves internal folder hierarchy of data.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Recover Files from a Disabled Google Account?

Yes, you can recover files and data from a disabled Google Account but there are some limitations. If it already has been 20 days and you meet the requirements then you can restore your files and retrieve data from deleted Gmail account.

Can a Disabled Gmail Account Be Recovered?

Yes, If you restore within the 20 days timeframe then a disabled Google account can be recovered.

How Do I Recover Photos from a Disabled Google Account?

Retrieving photos from a disabled Google Account follows the same above mentioned process as recovering other data.

How Do I Recover Data from My Old Gmail Account?

To recover your old Gmail account data, you should follow the steps outlined in this article, The process involves signing into the Google Admin console, then selecting the user you want to recover, and following the provided instructions.

How Can I Recover My Gmail Emails After 2 Years?

Unfortunately, restoring Gmail emails after 20 days, such as two years may not be possible through the common recovery process mentioned in this article. In such cases, you may want to reach out to Google Support for assistance, although success is not guaranteed.

Final words

Retrieving data from a disabled Google Workspace account is a critical process and especially when important information is at stake. By understanding the prerequisites and following the above-mentioned steps in this article user can learn how to recover data from disabled Gmail account. Act promptly, so that you can prevent data loss as Gmail provide user a time of up to 20 days to do so. After that time interval your data may be lost forever.