How to Repair NSF file using Fixup Tool ?

QUICK SUMMARY: Are you worried about the exposure to data corruption of NSF file? An NSF database file of IBM Notes (earlier known as Lotus notes) is more susceptible to corruption rather than any other database files. But, the good news is that you can repair NSF file using :”Fixup tool”. Read this blog to get a solution for same.
Data corruption is not a new-dangled concept to this data driven world. Many organizations or individuals have come across many data corruption issues in their life. If an organization has encountered with any data corruption, then it can cause the inaccessibility of data on a certain basis and also lessens the productivity of that organization. So, basically, data corruption is a hideous situation for them.
In order to reduce data corruption, companies are now showing their propensity towards various tools which can satisfactorily repair NSF files . Thus companies are leveraging several data fixup tools to increase their growth and productivity and to avoid hefty losses.
How to Repair NSF File ?
IBM recommends its users to use Fixup tool to reconcile the corruption issues and simultaneously repair the corrupted NSF files in Lotus Notes. We need to perform certain consecutive steps in order to run Fixup tool.
- For initiating the Fixup run process, select the server which can store the database, from the Domino Administrator. If the Domino Administrator does not run on a Server, then pick a local server to run Fixup on databases saved on the client.
- Click on the Files tab to handpick the databases on which we want to run Fixup.
- Go to the Tools panel and choose Database -> Fixup.
- Select the options to manage how Fixup runs.
- Lastly, click OK.
But before instigating Fixup run process, we need to have the focus on either the database or Domino directory or Domino log. Each database is abided by some rules and regulation which we need to keep in our mind before starting to repair corrupted or damaged NSF file.
Now, you are aware about how to repair NSF file using Fixup tool. Use the NSF Converter by BitRecover to export Lotus Notes emails into multiple file formats.
Reasons Responsible for NSF Corruption
There are plenty of reasons for the corruption of the NSF files. Here are few of them:
1. Crashing issues – Recurrent crashes of Domino Server may lead corruption and create several issues in NSF database. So, need arises to repair NSF files.
2. Faulty third party add-ins, products or tools – If any third party products, tools or add-in create some erroneous issues with Domino database then this may cause serious data corruption.
3. Not accessed properly – If administrator data is not accessed properly, or if any unscrupulous person has manipulated the databases, then this may cause the corruption.
4. Hardware failure – Hardware failure issues are very deleterious for any NSF files.
Other reasons – Several reasons like virus infection, bugs attack, unexpected system shutdown of the system, software crash or many other fictitious reasons are also responsible for data corruption of NSF files.
Let’s take a glance on what are IBM Notes or Lotus Notes?
IBM Notes is basically an enterprise email which helps business houses to work more efficiently and smartly. IBM notes can be maneuvered from anywhere, anytime depending on the choice of the users.This brings the whole world very close to us.
How to Prevent Data Corruption ?
There are numerous ways by which we can reduce or discard the data corruption. But the paramount way by which we can lessen data corruption is by enabling all the servers for transaction logging in Domino environment. Moreover, this method can reduce the restart time of the Domino server. Hence this method is considered one of the most prominent methods to recover data corruption.
Let’s Conclude
In this blog, we have described how to repair NSF files in an easiest manner. Thus, no longer you have to be worried about repairing corrupted NSF files. Do share your feedback with us. Also, if you have doubts regarding this, please contact to our technical support team.