How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages on Android Phone

Rollins Duke   
Published: May 13th, 2024 • 4 Min Read

Accidently deleted WhatsApp messages ?
Here’s how to get it back

As all know that touch screen devices are good, but can also be irritating sometimes. A simple click on the wrong option, and your whole WhtasApp chat history is gone. For example:


You click on Add a conversation shortcut, but instead of performing right selection you tabbed wrong option i.e. Delete Chat. Then without seeing the option, you suddenly clicked on Yes by mistake.

Now all your chats are gone. Leaving you without any record.

Here the main question arise is that how do you get them back?

Don’t worry about this query, because there has an option to overcome the problem with simple steps. But there are two reasons exist in order to recover messages like- one maybe you want to recover recent chats or second you want to recover older chats. In below section, both are mentioned and you can try these methods according to your requirement.

Restoring Recent Chats with easy and effective way (Less than 7 days):


It is not a big issue to recover deleted WhatsApp messages on android phone. It is simple to restore anything less than seven days old. You just need to uninstall the application, then reinstall it.

Uninstall WhatsApp: Navigate to setting > Application > WhatsApp > Unistall
Reinstall WhatsApp: Open WhatsApp & continue to the next screen step by step. Then verify your phone number.

And whatsApp automatically creates a backup of your data every day at 4 am system time, and this data is stored on the SD card of your android cell phone. When you reinstall the application, you are promoted to restore your chat history. You just need to simply click on restore and everything less than seven days old is recovered.

Restoring Older Chats (Over 7 days):


Older chats are slightly more difficult to restore, here manual method is available-

You just follow given steps one by one

First navigate to the database folder in the SD card – In the database folder you will see number of files in the chat files. You will notice that all files are saved with names like- msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt and where YYYY- year MM- month DD- Date.

Note: That WhatsApp backup folder may be located either your phone’s external memory or internal memory.

Here the process will start- firstly, rename msgstore.db.crypt, then add OLD or something else similar to the file name. Now check out the files below: there should be several files marked with different dates. Then select the file that you want to recover- find a file before you accidently deleted everything. And then rename it msgstore.db.crypt.

Now back to your android device: Go to the WhatsApp app and uninstall then reinstall it. And when asked to restore, click on Restore. The chat file saved as msgstore.db.crypt is restored, and you will get surprised because your all old message will get restored successfully.

Especial Note: Restoring older whatssApp chat as above will erase current message.

For awareness, we just give you some disadvantages of recovering WhatsApp chat message from Backups?

  • The automatic backup files of your WhatsApp chat history are only valid for 1 week (7 days) after last saved. Make sure you import your chat history before it expires. And you can’t restore data from backups that are more than 7 days old.
  • You will definitely lose the newest WhatsApp messages.
  • You cannot restore message chat, if your SD card or chat history is corrupted.
  • You cannot restore chat history if you have a different cell phone number than when you backed your chat messages. In case, if you run a manual backup it will overwrite the recent automatic backup file.

Method to restore recent WhatsApp chat message without losing newest chat information:

As we know that new messages after a backup and deleted before the next backup can’t be restored. But if you really want to keep a copy of the newest WhatsApp message, you can create a manual backup from

WhatsApp >> Menu >> Chat setting >> Backup conversation

This manual backup file will be saved as msgstore.db.crypt7 in your /sdcard/WhatsApp/Database folder. Rename this chat backup file to something like msgstore.db.crypt7.newest or msgstore.db.crypt7.current